Wednesday, May 18, 2011

36 Weeks

Everytime I update this blog it gets more amazing to me to be getting so close!  36 weeks!  And I'm updating a little late this week, so really i have 3 weeks and 6 days left. :P

Things are getting finished up around here.  Yesterday I had an eye appointment to get new glasses, since the hospital said I may need to wear them while in labor instead of my contacts.  I've had the same glasses for about 10 years, so I figured it was time to get new ones.  And of course I ended up getting Vera Bradley glasses. ;) 

This past Saturday we went up to Michigan for my family's shower.  We got a lot of the last essentials, like monitors, car seat for Kyle's car, high chair, humidifier, diaper bag, playmat, and of course tons of cute clothes, shoes, and other things!  It was an amazing shower at an amazing restaurant.  It was SO good to see everyone.

Oh, and before I move to the next part I should update you about my doctor's appointment.  I went in Monday and had my Group B Strep test done.  I'll find out the results next week.  She also said she will probably check me for dilation/effacement next Monday.  This is getting real!  And she told my my job for the week (and she asked Kyle to make sure he helped me get it done) is to get my hospital bags packed.  :o  Now, I already have the diaper bag packed, but my bag is another story...

I talked with a dear friend and co-worker, Heidi, last night and she suggested I pick out music (which I had already thought about doing anyways).  She said, "Pick something out that takes you somewhere else..."  So I thought, and thought, and thought this morning about what songs 'take me somewhere'.  Then it hit me.  Kyle bought me a CD a few years back when we first started dating.  It's Mississippi Delta blues.  It's actually described as "folk" music from the Delta.  It's a recording from way back in the day when blues first started to be recorded.  I looked it up and the year the music was recorded was between 1936-1942.  I listen to it every now and then, especially in the spring and summer, when I start to miss the South.  I literally just sit around and stare out the window and envision myself down there and all the things I love about Mississippi and the South.  And I have a deep appreciation/liking for blues music.  I'm so excited to have something to listen to that will take my mind off everything AND that I can bring my son into the world with some Southern roots/appreciation.  ;)  I may even create a playlist and sneak in "From Dixie with Love" on there.  Boy, I would be a mess!  That song makes me cry anyways!  Let alone seeing my son for the first time...geez...

SO, with being told to get my hospital bags ready and knowing that it's just a matter of days until I go to the hospital, we decided it was time to take things seriously and pick up the pace a little bit.  Last night Kyle and I made a trip to Polaris to complete our registries and get anything we could think of that we would need.  I was COMPLETELY worn out by the 2nd stop, but we got it done.  We picked up the breast pump (gracious, those things are too darn expensive...thank goodness we had a couple gift still killed me to spend so much, though!), car seat cover, the rest of the bedding from Pottery Barn Kids, car mirror, bottles , bottle liners, some cups and bowls, and a couple swaddle blankets that were recommended.  I also got a nursing tank and some other nursing essentials.  I also found a cute dress to wear home from the hospital that I'm going to pick up on Sunday.  So basically, aside from the darn bookshelf, I think baby's room is ready!  As soon as that bookshelf comes in I'm posting pics...if I don't get it soon I may have a heartattack.  It's driving me CRAZY to have such a big, missing piece.

So today I am just sitting around cutting tags off clothes (by far the biggest pain!) so I can get them in the wash and put away.  I'm not sleeping much at all (maybe 5 hours a night), so I'm sure I will be sneaking in a nap or two.  Other than not much sleep and the occasional headache, I actually feel really good!  Probably the best I've felt this entire pregnancy.  I definitely get worn out quick, have some swelling, and some pains in my pelvic area, but I'm used to it.  :P

This is baby's last week as a honeydew!  He weighs around 6 pounds and is around 20 inches long.  Every major system is developed.  The only thing that continues to improve and grow is his lungs.  With each passing day they get a little stronger and more capable of handling things on his own.  He's not kicking as much, so to speak.  Because he's out of room it's more just rolls and pokes and stretches.  I noticed this week that my maternity shirts are having a hard time completely covering my belly.  I'm starting to get nervous about how big he will be.

Until next time...

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