If it's not one thing, it's another. Fortunately, a lot of my symptoms have gotten better-ish. Yesterday morning I woke up with a migraine. Not fun. I took the meds they prescribed me and it actually got rid of it for the most part. I still had a slight headache, but it was enough to get me through 2 church services and Easter dinner with my family. I remember feeling crappy last night and laying on my parent's rug in the foyer in front of the front door and just sobbing. My mom found me and asked what was wrong and all I said was, "I just can't do this anymore. I don't WANT to do this anymore. I hurt so bad and I feel so miserable. I just want him out." She was very comforting and said, "You only have 7 more weeks! It'll go by fast!" Not fast enough, is all I can think.
But then I woke up at 2 a.m. The migraine was back. It hurt, but silly me just got out of bed to use the bathroom and then crawled back in bed thinking I would sleep it off. WRONG. I woke up at 4. Went the the bathroom again, thinking somehow that peeing would get rid of a migraine. Lol. Sometimes I wonder why my brain thinks the way it does. I think I was just so tired that I just wanted to sleep. Then I woke up again at 6. It was full blown. I was crying. Kyle gave me one of the migraine pills and some water. Somehow I was able to fall back asleep, but then I woke up again at 8:30 and my head was still throbbing. That dumb pill didn't do a darn thing for my head. I called my mom and she told me to get a cold washcloth and try elevating myself a little bit by reclining on the couch. So I did that. I also had Kyle fix me a bowl of oatmeal. Eating made it worse. It seemed like no matter what I did, it kept getting worse. The light and noise were bothering me big time. I just couldn't move. At one point I burst into tears again because of the pain and Kyle called the doctor. It was about 1:00 and I had an appointment already scheduled for 2:20, so they said just hang in there and they would see me in an hour. Uggg...
So appointment today at 2:20 didn't go as planned and I left frustrated and crying again. These pregnancy hormones have finally kicked in and they are RIDICULOUS. :P I didn't get to see my normal midwife OR the doctor. They were both out on deliveries, so I had to see the same lady I saw last week. Kyle finally got to see what I meant when I said I didn't like her because she didn't seem to take me seriously. She blew everything off and said, "Oh, that's just being pregnant!" Grrrr. I had to practically BEG her to give me some other meds to try for the migraine. She said the only other thing would be Tylenol 3, but that most people don't like it because it helps them sleep and then they just wake up with a migraine again. I kept thinking, at least they get to sleep! At least it gets rid of it for some amount of time! I told her that's what they gave me at the hospital last week and it worked for me, so she finally wrote me a prescription for it. I took one a little bit ago and within 10 minutes the migraine was GONE. I feel AMAZING right now. Crazy what a little codine will do for ya... ;)
So here's hoping THIS problem gets straightened out!
Now I'm 33 weeks. Little guy is gaining about half a pound a week from here on out. He will grow around another inch just this week. The amniotic fluid is maxed out now, which means when he kicks and pokes, I REALLY feel it. There's not as much cushioning in there anymore. :P His eyelids and irises blink and dialate now in reaction to light. He can also actually recognize tunes/songs! Within the next 4 weeks he should descend, or "drop." I can't tell you how excited I am for that moment to arrive. Then it's just preparing for delivery at that point! Wahoo!
And guess what? There's only ONE more fruit after this one! This week baby moves up to.....HONEYDEW MELON SIZE!