Sunday, January 16, 2011

19 Weeks

I hope nobody minds, but I'm going to vent.  I'm SO frustrated.  I'm about halfway through my pregnancy and all this nausea should've started disappearing over a month ago.  And it's still holding on strong.  All I ever heard was how fun pregnancy is and how people just love it.  I've heard people say it gets uncomfortable.  But oh my goodness, this is the worst I've consistently felt in my whole life.  I kinda muddled through it my first trimester and dealt with it, but now I'm just overwhelmed and frustrated by it.  It's headaches, feeling sick to my stomach, and back aches (horrible ones at where I can't move).  Everyone keeps saying it will be worth it.  But when it's my first time going through this, it's hard to believe and it doesn't help me now.  I'm sure it is worth it and I'm more than ready to meet this little guy.  But I just want to enjoy life and feel better.  The only time I feel good is when I'm working out.  But I can't work out 24/7.  Believe me, I would if I could!  The last week has just been so emotional because I've just let loose with all these feelings that have built up.  And it's not like I haven't tried - I've taken the pills (which made me feel worse), stretched (which only provides very temporary relief, if I'm lucky), tried to get more sleep, tried drinking more water, tried mints...but all this stuff just helps me while I'm doing it/taking it.  Then it's right back to throwing up or screaming in pain.  I'm sure I will get over it pretty soon here.  I don't tend to linger on negatives for very long.  I just need to get all my frustrations out and it'll be good.  :)  Thank you ALL for putting up with me during this time.  And I'm sorry.  I wish I were different.  I absolutely hate the way I am right now.

Ok, time for some positives.  I've been feeling him kick like crazy tonight!  Now THAT brough a smile to my face! :)  This week baby is the size of a mango.  And he gets that gross stuff all over his skin now.  Most, if not all, of it will disappear by time he's born, though.  His bones are beginning to harden and his muscles are getting strong.  Which means he'll probably be punching the crap out of me now!  :P 

Ok, time to get some sleep...

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet Sarah... you just vent as much as you need to, call me anytime! I can't sympathize since I'm not a mama... but read my friend Joy's blog. She is currently at 40 weeks and has written about her pains and frustration too... this particular day she wrote about an interesting connection between pregnancy and the bible. I thought you would appreciate it.

    love you friend,
